


UK gardeners looking for watering equipment and accessories should check-out our extensive range below!

From hoses, spray guns and pressure-sprayers, through to sprinklers, taps and hose connectors, at Agwood, we’ve got a wide range of watering equipment and accessories designed to make your gardening life a whole lot easier!

A strict watering regime through the growing-season is essential in achieving success in the garden, with regular, consistent irrigation helping your flowers, shrubs, fruit trees, veg crops and lawn areas flourish and thrive.

Overwatering can be just as bad for your garden’s health as underwatering, so keep a close eye on rainfall levels and adjust the amount of watering you do accordingly. It’s important to concentrate on the root zone, as that’s where moisture is needed the most. Avoid wetting foliage, as it not only wastes water, but also creates damp conditions where disease – and slugs and snails – can thrive (if you can, try to water in the morning, as this will give any water that happens to splash onto the leaves time to evaporate).

If you’d like the idea of having to water less frequently, mulching will do the trick – simply spread a layer of mulch around the base of the plant and evaporation will be slowed and moisture retained in the soil.

The amount of watering you need to is dictated not just by plant-type, but also by the nature of the soil – for example chalky and/or sandy soils need regular – but relatively light – watering; while heavy, claggy soils can be watered less often, as they retain moisture better.

Too strong a flow of water can adversely disturb the soil and lead to run-off rather than penetration – to get around this problem, you can reduce the pressure at the tap, equip your hose with a variable-pressure nozzle, or fit a rose attachment to your watering can.

When watering, always try and aim directly at the base of the plant and avoid wetting surrounding areas – this will ensure moisture gets to where it’s needed most and minimises weed growth in the vicinity of the plant.

Despite the rainy British weather, water is a precious resource, so make sure you only water when you really have to, and, if possible, draw your water from a collection tank.


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